Friday, February 24, 2012

The Lenten Experiment, 2012

So this year I couldn’t decide what to give up for Lent. I was also reading Jen Hatmaker’s gut-wrenching book 7 (yes, the number is the title) about seven areas of excess and the importance of cutting back. It’s no accident that God had me reading that book at the beginning of Lent. So what did I give up? 

A little bit of everything. 
I will be giving away something to someone outside of my house every day. Without bringing something back in to replace it. (Exception: outgrown kid’s clothes which actually need to be replaced). And I pray that each item can meet a specific need. Yesterday it was muffins for my neighbor. Today it will be a bag of (gently used) crayons for a friend. We have a bazillion and I was not about to throw them away. Tomorrow? I have no idea.
So why am I posting this? It’s not so I can say “Look at me, I’m doing good stuff!” Because this will not be easy. Giving away your things--when you would much rather have a yard sale and make at least a few bucks--is not fun.  Finding someone to bless with specific items, making that match, will not be easy. But I have a feeling God will send specific needs my way. He has a way of doing that.
I’m looking forward to the journey. But not looking forward to what He may ask me to give up. Especially if it’s books (just being honest).

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